Shivan Ming Moo Panda Pooh...Our Dog

He is a smart little guy in that he can do about 10 tricks, roll over, speak, dance, look pretty, play dead, chase your tail, growl , shake hands (paws). You say "that is only eight tricks", well, I have to explain, in a bit more depth, the other two ~ he washes his own dishes...impressive huh! :) The last trick, however, not so, in fact it leads me to believe my sweet fuzzy little Shivan might have needed a "doggy shrink". *speaking in a low whisper*...He tinkles on the sidewalk. Yes, it's the strangest thing. I've knudged him. I go out into the grass and try to coax him saying "it ok Shivan, see Mommy's in the grass ~ this is where big boys do their duty", ...NO, I end up standing out in the middle of our yard while he does his thing on the sidewalk...Go figure. Even though he may show signs of odd behavior, we love him unconditionally.
The Shih Tzu (whose name means “lion”) is reputed to have been the oldest and smallest variety of the Tibetan “holy dogs” and bears some similarity to other Tibetan breeds. For much of the long and illustrious history of China, the breeding of the small “Lion Dog” was a favorite pastime of succeeding imperial rulers.

Prior to A.D. 624, documents show that small dogs were exported from Malta, Turkey, Greece, and Persia as gifts to the ruling Chinese emperors. The are known for prancing around proudly and tend to bring gifts to their owners for this reason. It is likely that the first small Tibetan Lion Dogs from which the Shih Tzu is probably descended came to China during the Qing (Ch’ing) Dynasty (1644-62) as tributes from the Grand Lamas to the Chinese Imperial Court, and that the Chinese interbred these Tibetan dogs with the early western imports and with the Pug and the Pekingese.
Returning overseas military personnel brought some of the first Shih Tzu into the United States during the late 1940s and 1950s and began breeding programs. The unique beauty andoutstanding temperament of this “new” breed quickly found favor families all over. From the first day of formal AKC recognition (Sept. 1, 1969), the Shih Tzu catapulted from a relatively unknown breed to one of the most glamorous and popular of all canine companions.
Our Shivan is our little enforcer, he loves to step in between just the two of us and protect me just as his ancestors did with his mighty roar or he can wiggle waggle his whole body tail and all and cuddle up right next to you. So it's just the two of us hoping you can enjoy a little bit of sunshine out on your walk today!
He sounds adorable! Even if he tinkles on the sidewalk :)
Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by. I'm always curious when new people come to visit, how they found me.
The story behind the book title is a series of painful memories, but God is in control and has kept us under His wing the entire time. I hope to write it someday. Blogging has helped me to put thoughts in order.
Sounds like you have a great family. Let's keep in touch!
my daughter has a little doggy just like this...only she keeps her cut so short...I'm going to show her this picture so she knows what Sophie is supposed to look!!
I've seen little dogs like this and they are precious! We need to get a dog one day soon. Snuggle Bug loves them all!
Thanks for comment on my Five Ingredient Friday recipe exchange post.
I'm not sure why you didn't see my post this morning. I had it up at 6:45 a.m.! I guess I shouldn't be surprised though, Blogger has been misbehaving all day today, off and on!
It's not too late, if you have your recipe ready, post it and then link on my post. Unless you want to save it for next week, and that's fine too. :)
My friend has one too, they are really cute :)
Hi Pamela ~ Thanks for your comments on my blog. Of course
you may copy and post any of the items you find there.
Good luck with your blogging,
it as a great interest and we learn about different people and countries. It is amazing how close we feel towards some of our "regulars". Take care
Cheers, Merle. (in Australia)
Hi Pamela,
It sounds like you precious pup is a valued member of your family. We have a 20# Maine Coon Cat who often find his way into our posts. (It's just the 3 of us at our house!)
I've always loved these kinds of neighbour had one and called her Geisha. I used to play with her all the time but then they moved away:-( I think they are such adorable little dogs and so very sweet natured!
That is one cute puppy! But, I admit I am a cat person. I just love cats and my daughter just brought me a Japanese Bobtail. He is so cute. I have had several large dogs that I was very fond of and I think a tiny pup like yours might just win me over.
I forgot to mention, yes Timoni and Alex are very serious and planning a wedding a year from now. The are "in love!" So sweet and romantic!
This has nothing to do with this post, just wanted to say thanks for stopping by bruschetta recipe and leaving a comment....
Ahhhhh. You MUST see my Photo Hunt post - just did it this morning. No doubt at all you will appreciate it. We did a lot of research before we chose Chelsea, our little Shih Tzu. I love her so much I named my blog after her.
Just stopped by to thank you for saying "glug glug" on my Comment in a Bottle post yesterday because it cracked me up. :-)
Dear Pamela ~~ Thank you so much for
your kind words and comments. They are
much appreciated. That was so nice of you and your words are a great comfort
Thanks again Pamela. Take care, Hugs, Merle.
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