The Ultimate Blogging Party...Featuring ~ Photo Hunters

Tampa, Florida!
Party Time!
Tampa, Florida!
Party Time!

Hope you will join
on the dance floor later!
Oh, I see we have some first time guest, let me introduce just the two of us, I am Pamela and this is my hubby Dennis. So nice to meet you!
Just the two of us have been happily married for going on 28 years this June. We have three grown children, two of which are married and then our son who has a sweet girl friend. You can read more about it in my sidebar.
We are so blessed and tickled that our oldest son Kevin and Renee just had our second grand baby last week, her name is Arianna Corrine. Her big brother Ben is only 14 months old but loves to give his sister many kisses, which is so cute! However, he has also been caught dive bombing her with a stuffed animal (seems I remember something similar when his Daddy was a baby) hehe! Kevin is a Supervisor with a large Cable co., and Renee is an incredible SA
Terrence is going out with Jenny, a delightfully sweet and bright student at a private Christian University. He is a Meat Cutter with Publix and She is tackling finals this week with six classes!
Terry had two brand new kittens that are adorable and so entertaining and actually like to play with Jenny's Ferret that she brings over to visit every now and then from the dorms.
Our baby, Chrystal just married David and they will celebrate their 1st Anniversary on June 10th! They met at Oral Roberts University and married shortly after graduating. They both have been promoted to Manager of their respective restaurants, Chrystal at Mimi's Cafe, and David at AppleB's. They are currently house hunting and learning quickly the pitfalls of making an offer and negotiating.
As you can see our kids mean the world to us. We love meeting new people and appreciate life so very much as it has certainly been rocky at times but God has never given us more than we could ever handle. If anything, I feel I just appreciate everything so much more so and try really hard not to sweat the small stuff.

So go! Mingle have fun! I will catch up with you later as I am so eager to learn more about you too! *smile*
Feel up to a little Limbo? How low can you go! lol

I hear they are mixing up a mean Mai Tai over at the Tiki Hut, of course Dennis and I don't drink but we want our guest to enjoy themselves!

Grab a seat the Picture is just about to begin, featuring "The Photo Hunters"; today's theme is "SALTY". Well, let me tell you there is not many things I can think of that are saltier than the ocean. Which, by the way is my favorite place in the whole world! So for my guest of honor...The Photo Hunters...I present The Beach! A pretty girl, Chrystal, a little suspense, action and special effects! hehe! We enjoyed watching Chrystal and Bill parasail that day while my cousins were visiting from Oklahoma!

Photo Hunters is hosted by TNchick and if you would like to play click on the button on my sidebar.

Oh, I see we have some first time guest, let me introduce just the two of us, I am Pamela and this is my hubby Dennis. So nice to meet you!
Just the two of us have been happily married for going on 28 years this June. We have three grown children, two of which are married and then our son who has a sweet girl friend. You can read more about it in my sidebar.
We are so blessed and tickled that our oldest son Kevin and Renee just had our second grand baby last week, her name is Arianna Corrine. Her big brother Ben is only 14 months old but loves to give his sister many kisses, which is so cute! However, he has also been caught dive bombing her with a stuffed animal (seems I remember something similar when his Daddy was a baby) hehe! Kevin is a Supervisor with a large Cable co., and Renee is an incredible SA

Terrence is going out with Jenny, a delightfully sweet and bright student at a private Christian University. He is a Meat Cutter with Publix and She is tackling finals this week with six classes!
Terry had two brand new kittens that are adorable and so entertaining and actually like to play with Jenny's Ferret that she brings over to visit every now and then from the dorms.
Our baby, Chrystal just married David and they will celebrate their 1st Anniversary on June 10th! They met at Oral Roberts University and married shortly after graduating. They both have been promoted to Manager of their respective restaurants, Chrystal at Mimi's Cafe, and David at AppleB's. They are currently house hunting and learning quickly the pitfalls of making an offer and negotiating.
As you can see our kids mean the world to us. We love meeting new people and appreciate life so very much as it has certainly been rocky at times but God has never given us more than we could ever handle. If anything, I feel I just appreciate everything so much more so and try really hard not to sweat the small stuff.

So go! Mingle have fun! I will catch up with you later as I am so eager to learn more about you too! *smile*

Grab a seat the Picture is just about to begin, featuring "The Photo Hunters"; today's theme is "SALTY". Well, let me tell you there is not many things I can think of that are saltier than the ocean. Which, by the way is my favorite place in the whole world! So for my guest of honor...The Photo Hunters...I present The Beach! A pretty girl, Chrystal, a little suspense, action and special effects! hehe! We enjoyed watching Chrystal and Bill parasail that day while my cousins were visiting from Oklahoma!

Hey, if you are up to it, they are looking for players for a Volley Ball game on the beach!
Nothing like a beach sunset for atmosphere!

Just the two of us are so glad you came!

I see some of you have been laughing at the He is funny!

Watch the hanky panky stuff, this party is being hosted by new gparents and Dennis frequently feels obligated to cover my eyes when he thinks I am being exposed to too much!

If you would like to join in on Karaoke, feel free to use one of the instruments, after all we all could use a good laugh! lol

Meet Padre, he is one of the professional trainers. He is keeping an eye on all the party animals! :)

There are oodles of bloggers you can visit through the Ultimate Blogging Party being hosted by Janice and Susan of 5 Minutes For Mom. So after you leave a comment hurry on over and party on! Thanks again to Susan and Janice, this was so much fun and next week I am looking forward to introducing a first time guest and blog about meeting the fun continues!